Keyboard for speedy typing plus gaming


Sep 29, 2016
I currently have the Microsoft Natural Erg. 4000 keyboard. I love it for its features and that it's comfortable to type on. But I feel it is too easy to make typing mistakes and it slows my typing speed.

So I want a new keyboard. Key features needed are
• easily pressed keys
• neat clear lettering is preferred
• F-keys are SEPARATE to the media control keys
• has media control keys
• good for gaming
• mechanical preferred.

Don't want razer.

- IBM model M is probably too loud.
- Logitech G710+ looks great except has poor lettering in my opinion.
- G610 brown apparently "whines" and keys "feel too high"

Any help is appreciated. Thanks
This is very hard to suggest, as everyone will be different in what they like and don't like.

Blue switches are the key for typing (in my opinion), but some don't like them because they click. If you wouldn't like the clicking, then brown switches are the blend of styles before going linear. Black switches are more for gaming exclusively (they have harder key presses that can get tiresome if you type on them for long periods), whereas reds are like that, but use less force.

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This is very hard to suggest, as everyone will be different in what they like and don't like.

Blue switches are the key for typing (in my opinion), but some don't like them because they click. If you wouldn't like the clicking, then brown switches are the blend of styles before going linear. Black switches are more for gaming exclusively (they have harder key presses that can get tiresome if you type on them for long periods), whereas reds are like that, but use less force.

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