Keyboard won't work on new PC build and I know it and the mobo work


Apr 17, 2017
So I just finish building my new PC and at first everything works like it should. Then after I get windows 10 on a USB drive I turn it on and the keyboard doesn't work. The mouse will work but the keyboard got into a habit of shutting off which eventually led to it not turning on at all. I've already tried to fix the problem by using a new keyboard and I ordered a new motherboard but the problem persist. Another problem is that my monitor doesn't display the boot menu when I turn it on so I can't get into windows. When I got onto the boot menu before, I had to access bios and then save and reset. Since I can't access bios now I'm pretty much stuck. I think it could be my power supply but I'm not positive. Could someone please help me? If so thanks I advance. Here are the parts

The computer shows a blank screen and displays the sources connected to the monitor I the top left corner then goes blank. When I accessed bios before I would just hit the delete button when the keyboard worked. The keyboard does work on other machines.

I use the USB ports and have tried all of them, they'll power the mouse but not the keyboard.

I'll hopefully have a case speaker by tomorrow so I'll be able to properly troubleshoot it.
Well its the weirdest problem ever unless it windows or the CPU and it works on other systems so it's not the keyboard haven't ever heard of half way,Digital devices usually either work or don't,I would be reinstalling Windows for sure you wont lose anything.Unless you don't have Windows but you can buy it for 20/25 bucks US at Kinguin,And if the system works with other keyboards it aint the power supply.


But what if other keyboards don't work on my system?
He's right in that it isn't the PSU.

However, I seriously doubt Windows or any other software has anything to do with it if the keyboard doesn't work in BIOS. The only software I know of that would cause that is a very poorly written CMOS virus. Those are insanely rare, though.

If I had to guess at this point, I would say the most likely issue is that you're using a front panel port that hasn't been securely connected. It's a bit of a leap, though. I would assume you've attempted to use more than one port.
He said he tried every USB port , nerd 389 First I would ,Try another Keyboard to isolate the problem If you have no joy your in business,If it works RMA the keyboard but before that try this ,Then definitely reinstall windows,You won't lose anything don't do a totally fresh install it as a duplicate and remove the old copy ,If you don't have you it you can buy it on For 27 US ,Then Flash the bios at the motherboard website,Download any drivers from the keyboard manufacturer,If still no joy ,You got 2 bad motherboards,I just can't see it being anything else.

How do I download the drivers without accessing windows?
Which Drivers the keyboard ones,Well you can't windows runs the show and they won't have Linix versions of them ,Are you saying windows doesn't work either.You can't install any drivers unless you have windows ,So fix that first and If you don't know how to flash the bios look up a tutorial on you tube do that then the Keyboard drivers if there is any
I apologize for missing the post where you mentioned testing all ports. I won't argue the point of reinstalling Windows out the Windows drivers. I will simply say that it won't hurt, but won't help either.

When you said the keyboard would occasionally turn itself off, did it occur randomly, or when you did something specific?

Do you remember anything else at all that occurred around the time the keyboard started cutting out?

Also, how did you get it to turn back on, it did it turn back on itself?

Lastly, have your tried a powered USB hub? If it's a freak incompatibility, that's one way to fix it. It's cosmically unlikely that this is the case, but the issue you've described is cosmically rare.
So I'm using a case speaker now and It's not beeping when I turn it on but it will do the usual beeps when I take out the RAM. Could there be a problem with it doing POST.

I can't access bios without the keyboard working.

The USB drive is a media tool I created and it had my first operating system.
I would suggest trying something like this:

The intent is twofold:

1) Determine if your system is still bootable.

2) Provide, by elimination, some indication that your USB drive/media tool may have a corruption problem.

Especially where two systems/motherboards have failed to work.