Killer network drivers not letting me connect to wifi WIN10


Jul 24, 2016
Hi does anyone know why or a fix as to why I cant connect to wifi after installing the killer network drivers? I have a z97 gaming 5 motherboard.
You should see the device in the device manager if not then there is something very wrong. You likely can force it to replace the driver for the wifi even though you should not have to.
I am assuming you have some other wireless card installed in your machine. It would be strange for ethernet drivers to have any impact on wireless. Now if you bought some type of killer wireless card it could be a issue.

You will find massive number of posts regarding issues with killer drivers causing all kinds of strange issues. Your best option is to go to the killer site and download the version of the drivers that have all the killer features removed. You also need to be sure that the process that set the options in the killer chipset is not running. If you are not using the ethernet see what happens if you disable it just to test.

You do not need any of these so called "gaming" network things. It is all marketing hype that has almost no effect. It would be for someone who say ran torrent uploads in the background while he was playing games. It is much simpler to just not do stupid stuff and not expect magic software to solve your problems.

Thank you and I tried that, but I still can't seem to find the wifi driver when I try to change the adapter settings