Killing my console.


Dec 15, 2013
Hi guys!
After a long time of console gaming I decided to switch to pc gaming,ill be building my own pc and was wondering what you guys(the experts) think of it?

I hope to play bf4 maxed out with good fps but thats a bit nieve but ill leave that up to you guys
I also play lots of fps games,plus skyrim and sometimes wow,civ 5 and stuff similar to that
Also i will be ocing plus i do some 3d renders and video editing but nothing too extream
Thanks in advance!
More about : build
Looks good, you might think about changing your cpu brand to an intel i7 4770k or i5 4670k if you're going for max performance. As long as you have a good (and newish) multi-core processor, the only limit (in most games) is your graphics card. I understand that quite a jump in price, but once again only my suggestion if you're going for maximum performance.

One thing to note, I have the razer blackwidow ultimate and if you've never used a mechanical keyboard before you need to understand that they are LOUD, unless they use cherry mx clear, red, or black (not sure about the brown). Just something to remember, as I was shocked by how loud it was during fast typing (like now).

One last thing.... Ethernet, that's all I'm going to say...
Looks good, you might think about changing your cpu brand to an intel i7 4770k or i5 4670k if you're going for max performance. As long as you have a good (and newish) multi-core processor, the only limit (in most games) is your graphics card. I understand that quite a jump in price, but once again only my suggestion if you're going for maximum performance.

One thing to note, I have the razer blackwidow ultimate and if you've never used a mechanical keyboard before you need to understand that they are LOUD, unless they use cherry mx clear, red, or black (not sure about the brown). Just something to remember, as I was shocked by how loud it was during fast typing (like now).

One last thing.... Ethernet, that's all I'm going to say.

EDIT: Just read the part about playing bf4 on max settings. A gtx 770 can play bf4 maxed @ 1920x1080 with over 40 min fps, however the benchmark I saw was using an intel i7 4770k and I'm not sure about what results you would see using an fx8320.

EDIT #2: Make sure you have a copy of windows 7 or 8.

Just my $0.02.

Ok i took your advise and added a 4770k and i am going to oc it heavely.
I do know that mechnical keybords are load as hell but they are soft and easy to use.
And the problem is that the internet router is 2 rooms away from mine i cant rouet a cable this distance,i am going to buy a new internet router and place it in my room
And can you give me the link for the benchmarks you saw i would like to see them.
And that i do know,but since i am learning code i think ill use ubtune or dualboot