[citation][nom]IndignantSkeptic[/nom]Well then why is Kinect required for voice recognition then?[/citation]
Because the 360 does not have an embedded microphone, which is needed for voice recognition. The Kinnect actually has a few microphones, which are used in tandem to filter out ambient noise, something a single microphone usually isn't capable of.
And, answering your previous question, Microsoft subsidizes the Kinnect for XBOX price, banking on you buying more Kinnect-enabled games, which bring more money through licensing. Since there is no money to be made that way on PCs (at least for now), except maybe a little from the Games For Windows thing, you get slapped the full price on Kinnect for Windows.
Now, back to the news, I see Microsoft is again screaming "F.U." to us Europeans by not making the price reduction affect the whole market at once. I can only cringe at the thought of just how expensive the K2 will be for EMEA costumers if its launch coincides with W8's and the K1 price hasn't dropped until then... :S