Kinesis Gaming Freestyle Edge: Ergo, Split, Mechanical

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If you compare its predecessor, the FreeStyle, to this new model, you'll notice the former is $110, and the latter $200. If you also scrutinize the features list you'll notice that the chief difference is the backlighting of the latter.
Uh, let's see now, that makes $90 for backlighting. Gee, that's a lot of moolah for something i can duplicate with $10 (night light, electrical cord extender).
Thanks for reviewing a Kinesis keyboard (finally). I agree that the price is a bit much, for such construction. You'd wish they added something along the lines of an internal metal frame, to better support the keys.

Split, angled keyboards are the way to go. I keep my mouse (or trackball) on the outside, but the lack of a number pad means it's still a very short reach.

On KISS, the fastest n' dirtiest, cheapest and cheerfulest solution of them all... There's a youtube video by a guy who noticed that USB doesn't discriminate between, say an e key on one keyboard and a following r key on a second keyboard. This means that if plug two keyboards into a usb hub and type away with your left hand on the left board, and similarly for the right hand, you can have a full wide-as-you-like split keyboard for pennies! Won't look as pretty as commercial solutions, and will take up a lot of room, but....!

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