Kingston 16GB DT 101 G2 problem


Dec 10, 2013
i have problem on my Kingston 16GB When I insert the DataTraveler into the USB port on my PC, the unit is recognized but without any space and closed , when i try to open it , gives me message to format it and when i try to format it doesn't work i try every thing .
Try using diskpart to format your flash drive.

1) Open a command prompt (run as administrator).
2) Type in diskpart and press enter
3) type in list disk and press enter
4) use the select x command to pick your flash drive (substitute x with the corresponding disk number of your flash drive in the list) and press enter
5) type in clean and press enter
6) type in create partition primary and press enter
7) type in active and press enter
8) type in format fs=ntfs label=MYFLASHDRIVE quick and press enter
9) type in assign and press enter
10) type in exit and press enter
and you're done.
thanks my friend

but when i type select
4) use the select x command to pick your flash drive (substitute x with the corresponding disk number of your flash drive in the list) and press enter

it gives me 4 options


and i cant chose any my flash drive I


after pressing enter on phase 5) i get after a looooong blinking silence, an error message. A semaphore shity timing expiration..

my solution is to take back to the seller the coaled up memory and shove it up their asses!!