Kingston Savage ram on msi 970 am3+ board not posting


Aug 6, 2015
■ Hello everyone,

Im a long time reader and first time poster.
Speaking of posting, iv built a new system for my friend and I am having issue with the ram.

My specs are :
MSI 970 AM3+ mother board
8gb kingston savage (x2) - 1600mhz
1.5v, cl9

2TB seagate hybrid sshd
MSI gtx 970 gaming edition
600w corsair wired psu
FX 8350 with stock cooler

Now the issue I have is that pc won't even post when I try the savage ram.
It boots fine when I try my 4gb kingston hyper x black and it boots fine when I try 2 x 4gb hyper x black from my other pc.

Iv checked on pc part picker that this ram is compatible with my msi motherboard.

At first I thought maybe the ram is faulty so I rma'd the 8gb(pending) and ordered a new 8gb, exact same ram. Even with the new ram it's the exact same issue.

Then I tried the savag ram on my other pc, asus a55bm usb/3 motherboard and the mother board does post but says only 4gb out of 8gb is usable.

Now I have 2 8gb savag rams that I can't get them to work on any of my systems.

Why does the asus board post and msi doesn't and why does asus see it as 4gb?

Update, msi board and asus board does post if I stick 4gb stick and a 8gb savag stick. But only reads the 8gb as 4gb usable. Says there is 12gb installed but only 8gb is usable. On it's own, won't even post.

Any idvise on what's happening?