Hi guys recently bought a 480gb kingston now v300 from ebay- guy said its new but hed opened but not used. Ive loaded windows 7 and upgraded to windows 10. My issue is every now and then it freezes and when i restart it says no bootable device found and loads bios sometimes it will reboot fine sometimes i must open case and disconnect ssd and reconnect. Ive tried new sata and power cables- i think the sata cable helped as it did this less i also tried a few different sata ports on my motherboard. Ive returned to my original 1tb wd blue hdd no issues at all runs perfect no matter which cables i use- i ran the seagate ssd test software and it comes back all is good s.m.a.r.t test etc. Ebay seller has deleted account- can i deal with kingston direct without reciept or is there anything else i can try to fix?