kinguin buyer protection doubt


Nov 19, 2015
i wanna buy the skyrim legendary edition from g2a or kinguin but i searched about the g2a shield and apparently it's a monthly subscription that charge you monthly , you would say just don't use the protection option but i just wanna be sure that i would get my key so i was wondering if the kinguin buyer protection is a monthly subscription too or if it's only charge you when you buy a game.

i know that i shouldn'y buy on this type of sites and that not all the keys are legally purchased i normally would wait for a sale to get the game cheaper but since the skyrim remaster comes on the 28th of october i wanna buy the game because of this

can anyone solve me this doubt? thanks :)
How about you think of it this way;

-You can buy a Skyrim Key from Kinguin or G2A for $10 that may or may not work, be stolen, be the wrong language, etc. And there may not be a way to get your money back

-Or you can buy a copy on Steam or Amazon that you know is legal and will work for $20

Is it really worth trying to save $10 when you're already questioning the legitimacy of a site?
There's nothing wrong with buying from Kinguin, I've bought a couple of games there and had no problems. The buyer protection is paid per game you buy, no subscription involved.
The fact that you can purchase buyer protection for software should tell you something. Not to mention the ridiculously-low prices.

Software sold on Kinguin is sold by private individuals and Kinguin is simply a mediator. Trouble is, where does the license key come from? Is it valid in your region? Is it valid for your language? What happens if the license key you buy is later reported as stolen?

You may get lucky, you may not. Personally, I dislike the ethics of Kinguin, G2A, etc., so I don't buy anything from them.

what about if the seller have a sold a decent amount of keys and have positive feedback and the fewer ones the keys didn't worked and they got a refund? i know that the shouldn't been charging 1$ for the protecction but atleast the protection thing isn't a monthly subscription like how g2a does without even telling you :/ and as i told before i would normally wait for a sale to get the game cheaper and i dislike the ethics of those pages too , because of that i don't use them very often
How about you think of it this way;

-You can buy a Skyrim Key from Kinguin or G2A for $10 that may or may not work, be stolen, be the wrong language, etc. And there may not be a way to get your money back

-Or you can buy a copy on Steam or Amazon that you know is legal and will work for $20

Is it really worth trying to save $10 when you're already questioning the legitimacy of a site?
What those positive reply don't tell you is they bought a game from a private seller with key code aaaa-aaaa-bbbb, and the next buyer bought the same code, and so on, for maybe 20 sales, then dude sells a different game and does the same thing all over. Cost to seller = 1 key, bought from same site cheap (so it's maybe a key sold by ½ dozen different sellers, sold 20-30 times each time. By the time it's done, there's over 1000 copies of the same key been sold. This is especially true for games using a local key, kept by your pc, not introduced through steam or valve etc who keeps their own keys on their server, tied to your account.
Why else can they sell windows 10 for $30 when Microsoft sets the price at $70 for retailers or $90 for Windows store.

you're right....

this is a legit store? i saw this page on a list of a official key retailers it's from the uk the conversion from sterlin pound to dollar ends in like 23$ i was wondering that this page doesn't kinda mention steam download
From terms and conditions shopto is not much different to Amazon, you can buy from them or in a trade/private sale etc. Looks legit if buying from the store, maybe not from private sales.

The description is word for word identical except for the last lines of Dragonborn, which read you need a Steam account and Internet service to activate.

ok the thing is that the hard copy on amazon is 20 $ and the download one is 40$ , in shopto is 23$ after sterling pound conversion for the digital copy (wich is the version that i want the digital one)