Question Kraken X62 Installation

Aug 25, 2019
I've been trying to figure out how to install the Kraken X62 for the past two hours now and it just isn't clicking.

The following guide states to remove the original mounting bracket while keeping the motherboard backplate (that came with the motherboard). It also shows to use the largest screws out of the two sets that came with it, having fully screwed all the way to the thread of the backplate it just isn't tight at all so much wobble space and it concerns me that if I place the cooler on this and then screw the cooler on im going to be wasting paste as it would still be loose.

Is it supposed to be loose, all the AMD videos that I see (of what few exist...) are showing it as a tight fit.

Kraken X62 onto a Gigabyte X570 Gaming X board with a 3900X chip.
Best way for me to indicate just the amount of gap i'm talking about is via this photo - this is me 'pulling' the backplate to its furthest possible and then pushing it back towards the motherboard. The screws that it's telling me to use are at their max tightness (as you can see via the screw holes being filled)

Surely it isn't meant to be like that before you put the cooler onto it?


Appreciate all the help possible <3
I am just now installing this same cooler. A sudden idea popped in to my head when I encountered the same issue. If you use the thumb screws, and grip them tightly, you can screw the standoffs all the way down
Also, you have to make sure you're using the correct standoff and in the correct orientation. The correct ones for AM4 socket has a washer like thing attacked to one end that can't be removed. That end is what screws into the backplate