Question Kubuntu not working…

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Yesterday, was working perfectly, I turned my PC on today and this is what Kubuntu is doing...

I have no idea what to do...

Imgur with the image (I can't upload it to the forum)
Can you get to the grub boot loader? This is usually done by holding shift during boot, some distros use 'esc' instead.

My guess is that some update messed up your boot, if you can boot into recovery you can try fixing the updates. You'll probably want to run the network and dpkg modules in recovery mode so that you can connect to apt repos and download updates if necessary.
Reboot the system. Hold the 'SHIFT' key. You should see the 'grub boot loader'. Select the Advanced option. Select the previous kernel (typically the one at the bottom). The system should boot up at that point. Open your terminal app. Then type - 'sudo apt-get update'. When that's finished type 'sudo apt-get upgrade'. Reboot the system. Hopefully that should work.
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