l get a Blue screen of death ONLY when starting Nier Automata


Jan 29, 2017
lve been experiencing this for the first time while gaming so no clue why this is happening.
This is my system:
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Versión 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Compilación 7601
Descripción adicional del sistema operativo No disponible
Fabricante del sistema operativo Microsoft Corporation
Nombre del sistema USER-PC
Fabricante del sistema MSI
Modelo del sistema MS-7641
Tipo de sistema PC basado en x64
Procesador AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor, 3600 Mhz, 2 procesadores principales, 4 procesadores lógicos
Versión y fecha de BIOS American Megatrends Inc. V17.4, 30/11/2011
Versión de SMBIOS 2.6
Directorio de Windows C:\Windows
Directorio del sistema C:\Windows\system32
Dispositivo de arranque \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Configuración regional Argentina
Capa de abstracción de hardware Versión = "6.1.7601.23403"
Nombre de usuario user-PC\user
Zona horaria Hora estándar de Argentina
Memoria física instalada (RAM) 8,00 GB
Memoria física total 8,00 GB
Memoria física disponible 3,65 GB
Memoria virtual total 16,0 GB
Memoria virtual disponible 11,7 GB
Espacio de archivo de paginación 8,00 GB
Archivo de paginación C:\pagefile.sys

lve been checking Event viewer, but dont know where to find about system crash though, cant find anything related to the blue screen of death...But this is the last error log l got last night(its in spanish so lm going to try to translate accurately as posible)
Nombre de registro (event name):System
Origen(Origin): Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client
Fecha🙁Date:) 17/05/2017 02:07:06 a.m.
Id. del evento (event id):1012
Categoría de la tarea (Task Category):Ninguno
Nivel (level): Error
Palabras clave(keywords):
Equipo (Device?): user-PC
Descripción (Description):
Error al intentar leer el archivo local de hosts.(Eror while trying to read local host file)
XML de evento (Event XML):
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client" Guid="{1C95126E-7EEA-49A9-A3FE-A378B03DDB4D}" />
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2017-05-17T05:07:06.183817000Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="1332" ThreadID="1344" />
<Security UserID="S-1-5-20" />
<Data Name="ErrorCode">3221225485</Data>
<Data Name="Location">0</Data>
<Data Name="Context">0</Data>
Dont really know if its related, though l may have to try again and check the error report to be sure l gess...
Thank you in advance for any tips!
The error message seems to be saying that somehow the built-in DNS client in Windows is causing the crash. That's not something I've ever seen before...

I found a forum thread where someone was having the same error message; they fixed it by re-enabling a service they'd disabled. Problem is...they forgot to say which service it was, the last post in the thread was nearly two years ago, and the forum appears not to have a PM system. I'm trying to contact the guy.

Yeah, but the fact that makes it even worst is the only time it happens is when launching Nier, it doesnt happen when working or while playing other games... Also lve been disabling stuff in Services, so please let me know if you found the thread because lm totally out here