Lag spikes, Please help :(


Dec 12, 2016
So many people have the same issue in past week from what I see... I have the same problem, tried EVERYTHING. I thought it was some W10 update that coused it, but just a day before the issue I redownloaded amd drivers for my rx 480 too, so maybe that has something to do... And I'm sure that it has also something to do with "Scan Valid Interval" setting in wifi adapter settings since when I set it to 20 ping spike happens every 20 seconds, and when I set it up to 120, ping spikes happens every 2 minutes. I hope somebody who knows what is going on will answer, I will follow this thread.
Also, sorry for my bad english.


Aug 11, 2016

the same problem too but i didnt change anything. i had the amd crimson and when i pressed right click on the desktop i didnt have a button that says amd radeon settings, so i searched how to fix this and i found that i need to remove the drivers and download them again, and i did it and from then i have lag spikes idk if its from this but when i started cs go hour after i did this, i had the lag spikes
Sorry for bad English