Yesterday the LAN adapter worked without any problems, as today I turned on the computer I noticed that it doesn't recognize any ethernet cables being plugged into it.
The adapter model is Realtek RTL8111E and I'm using Windows 7 64 bit.
I'd get it fixed without problems but the real thing comes here: the lights on the adapter aren't working, so basically it doesn't show any lights at all as it normally should show up 2 lights about if the ethernet cable is connected and how much of data is going in and out.
so I thought that the adapter could be broken but that wouldn't make any sense. As the computer haven't been touched after I shut it down yesterday and now suddenly it isn't working without any logic
I have tried reinstalling drivers, cmos reset, bios reset etc all that basic stuff.
The adapter model is Realtek RTL8111E and I'm using Windows 7 64 bit.
I'd get it fixed without problems but the real thing comes here: the lights on the adapter aren't working, so basically it doesn't show any lights at all as it normally should show up 2 lights about if the ethernet cable is connected and how much of data is going in and out.
so I thought that the adapter could be broken but that wouldn't make any sense. As the computer haven't been touched after I shut it down yesterday and now suddenly it isn't working without any logic
I have tried reinstalling drivers, cmos reset, bios reset etc all that basic stuff.