LAN connection unstable


Feb 21, 2017
I have a desktop PC connected to the internet VIA Ethernet cable. Recently, a weird and very annoying problem has occurred; The connection instantly gets completely cut off (red x), it loads again, becomes "Limited access" for a couple of seconds, and then connects again. It continues doing that every few seconds, endlessly.

There's another PC connected to the same router via LAN cable and it works perfectly, along with any WiFi device without any problems.

I haven't changed any internet settings except WiFi name and password. I swapped LAN cables and LAN ports and restarted the router, but no luck. Internet carrier personnel helped me set a fixed IP channel instead of the default automatic option, but again no luck.

The frequency of the disconnections varies from every 5 seconds to every 10 minutes. The problem is most likely local and comes from my rig (i3 6100, B150-Pro, R9 380), but that's just an assumption. Help please? It's unbearable!

(Win 8.1 x64)
You have done the most important things. The red x thing generally means it is physically disconnected you get a different indicator when it is just a ip address or something more software related.

There are really only 3 things. The cable(most common), the port on the router, the port in your PC. You have pretty much eliminated all but the port in your pc...which is the most expensive to solve. I would see if there is a bios update for your machine maybe you get lucky. You I suppose could reset cmos in motherboard but you take the risk of having to do a OS reinstall sometimes when you do that.

You still might want to try a new ethernet cable maybe you get lucky if you have only tried 1 or 2, just because they work with one machine does not mean the cable actually meets the requirements some machines are more tolerant of bad cable.

The only somewhat cheap option is to buy a nic card that will go into one of the slots in your machine..I assume you have a open pci or pcie slot. You can also consider USB devices but they do not run as well as internal cards. They are best on USB3 ports which I suspect you do not have but they will run 100m on usb2.

Hmm I swapped the cable and tried another port. I guess I will carry my pc to a friend's house and see if it's doing the same thing. I will try adding an external Internet card and try again. If both fail, it's most likely a fault in the motherboard's LAN card. Luckily it is still in warranty. Thank you very much for your recommendations and time mate!