Lapped my 212 EVO

So after a watercooler mis-hap with my 3570k build (trash pile pic here.), I had to build a new computer and used a 4690k. I went back with my old standby a 212 Evo. The bottom of this was really pretty rough though, and my temperatures showed it. So today I pulled it off, and lapped it smooth. Started with 400 grit, and worked my way up to 2000.

I think it came out really pretty good:


I also did the CPU, however I didn't quite get it as flat or mirror like as I would like. Turns out the heatspreader on my chip was really pretty unlevel, and when I hit copper I decided to stop. So it's better, but far from perfect.

I use Prime95 (maximum heat test, temp after 20 minutes of run time) as I found it makes my CPU considerably hotter than IntelBurn.

Before lapping:

Idle: 35 C
Prime95: 70-72 C

After lapping:

Idle: 30 C
Prime95: 65-67 C

So not too bad, dropped 5 degrees celsius. This 4690k chip just seems to runner hotter anyways, but I'm happier with the temps I have now. Especially as I am using slow moving quiet fans on the cooler.

Of course, Arctic Silver 5 for both "stock" and "lapped".
Not bad for a little work lapping. I've lapped cooler bases in the past, never felt comfortable lapping the ihs. I think the haswell's are a little convex which is fine by me, just means a bit more pressure/contact where it's needed. Would prefer that than a concave dip that had to be filled in. Sometimes coolers come with a questionable finish on the bottom.