Laptop broken screen - stuck on Windows 10 log-in screen and cannot use external monitor

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Dec 5, 2017
I have a Windows 10 Lenovo Ideapad 310-15ABR. The screen is not working – just showing striped lines. I want to connect it to an external monitor, but cannot as I am on the Windows 10 log-in screen (I know this because it quickly flicks onto the attached external monitor connected via VGA cable when I close the laptop lid). Other than that, the external monitor connected via VGA cable shows a black screen but a white cursor does move around the external monitor when I move a mouse.

I think I need to get past the log-in screen to see the extended display of my desktop. I can then access the files I need to before sending the laptop off for repair. I have tried while connecting to the external monitor via VGA cable, but without success:
- F10 hotkey to toggle displays (no obvious effect)
- Power key off and then power key on and quickly closing laptop lid to attempt to use the external monitor as a 'primary' display

If I try connecting to an external monitor via HDMI cable, the monitor displays the message ‘No cable connected’.

Any advice please?
Just to circle back with the solution. I tried different cables, but what worked was a different monitor with HDMI connector. From the log-in screen I pressed WINDOWS KEY + P twice (which I had previously tried with the original monitors). This allowed me to duplicate screen, log in and back up files. Thanks again.
At the log-in screen, try and input your password/log-in credentials and then try connecting the laptop to an external display. You may want to change the cable and see if anything changes for you for both the VGA port and the HDMI port as well.
Thanks, Luftij, for your answer and for moving the post.. I've tried entering password, operating 'blind'. I agree this should work, but maybe I ma using the wrong combination of keystrokes and clicks. I've got another Windows 10 machine at home and will try later to replicate the steps.

I've tried multiple VGA cables, and the VGA cables all seem fine as they give me a cursor I can move around on the otherwise black screen on the external monitor. I have another HDMI cable I could try at home this evening.
Just to circle back with the solution. I tried different cables, but what worked was a different monitor with HDMI connector. From the log-in screen I pressed WINDOWS KEY + P twice (which I had previously tried with the original monitors). This allowed me to duplicate screen, log in and back up files. Thanks again.
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