Question Laptop BSODs in Windows, but throws "block probing" errors in Linux ?

Aug 24, 2024
Laptop model: Lenovo Yoga C940
OS: Windows 10

It started crashing randomly with a BSOD several weeks ago. At first it was once a day, then more often, now it happens consistently every 1-5 minutes. No recent changes before this started happening. Nothing in the windows system logs except the critical "kernel-power" message indicating it rebooted without warning. Tried some general troubleshooting steps:
  • Intel drivers updated, firmware updated, windows update
  • Reset bios settings and twiddle all of the power settings (in windows and in the bios)
  • Ordered a new battery and swapped it out
No help. I was thinking it was fried, but I noticed that it never crashes when sitting at the bios config screen, which gave me hope. Booted up ubuntu from a flash drive, and it is not crashing or rebooting but it does pop up a "System program problem detected" error every few minutes with the title "block probing crashed with TimeoutError". I am betting/hoping that the issue causing BSOD in windows is the same issue causing the error popups in Linux, but no luck finding info about it or troubleshooting yet.

There's a lot of detail in the crash report that I can post if needed, but I don't think it's relevant; it's running "subiquity.cmd.server --use-os-prober," which I think is the bootstrap trying to see what OSes are installed, but I don't know if that points to this being an issue with the memory or disk or what. Troubleshooting advice welcome!
Aug 24, 2024
I think/hope this is solved, so for anyone searching these errors or symptoms in the future, I reseated the ssd (take the back off the laptop, find the nvme drive, unscrew the single screw that holds it in, pull the drive out, push it back in, put the screw back in) and have been running stable for ~2 days.