Laptop CPU replacement worth it?


Nov 18, 2012
Hi Guys, I have an older Toshiba P305-S8825 laptop with an intel T5550 Core 2 Duo (1.83ghz I think) CPU in it. I use it as a back up for DJing and the new software I want to use recommends a 2.4ghz cpu. I think my laptop has a the 965 express chipset. I found a Toshiba laptop similar to mine with the same chipset but it had a T9300 in it. The T9300 is about $25. Can I and is it worth it to swap the CPU. I realize I wont see a real difference in normal use, I just want to make sure it has the horsepower to run the more powerful software. Thanks.

If a CPU swap is doable, what is a good replacement for an AMD Turion II dual core M520? 😀
Eh, you probably will not see any real jump in power with a $25 CPU. Your socket is outdated and can only handle older outdated processors. I recommend trying out the software and if you have real troubles, then buy the new one.