Question Laptop crashes often ?

Jul 24, 2023
Hello, i got a Lenovo y700 laptop and it randomly gets blue/yellow screens of death, also games randoly crashes it doesnt overheat according to hwinfo. Reinstalled windows multiple times, im really out of options...

Nvidia Geforce 960m
16GB ram ddr4 2133mhz (both sticks same speed)

If someone's got some opinions i would appreciate
Sending a link with Event viewer log
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Your event log link doesn't work unless you have an invite code. You need to make it public if you want anybody to look at it.

If you have two DIFFERENT models of DIMM (Memory/RAM) installed, regardless that they are the same speed, that could very well be the whole problem. Try removing one stick and see if you still get crashes. If you do, swap it out for the other stick and try again.

Also, make sure you have the latest BIOS version installed and that you have the latest drivers available from the product support page for your laptop model installed as well. Do NOT use third party or "driver updater" drivers. Use ONLY the latest drivers for your version of Windows as available on the Lenovo support page for your laptop model AND submodel. Submodel might be important in some cases as various submodels of a base model can have very different hardware and requirements.
Jul 24, 2023
Your event log link doesn't work unless you have an invite code. You need to make it public if you want anybody to look at it.

If you have two DIFFERENT models of DIMM (Memory/RAM) installed, regardless that they are the same speed, that could very well be the whole problem. Try removing one stick and see if you still get crashes. If you do, swap it out for the other stick and try again.

Also, make sure you have the latest BIOS version installed and that you have the latest drivers available from the product support page for your laptop model installed as well. Do NOT use third party or "driver updater" drivers. Use ONLY the latest drivers for your version of Windows as available on the Lenovo support page for your laptop model AND submodel. Submodel might be important in some cases as various submodels of a base model can have very different hardware and requirements.
Sorry, link edited, yeah i tried removing one ram stick, using with one, using with another one, laptop went crazy on 100% CPU usage and doing nothing, tried memtest86 with one/other stick for 8 hours tried with two for ~8hours, no errors recorded. Tried with drivers ONLY from windows update nothing else, reinstalled windows tried with drivers updated/downgraded from the lenovo app/website, also same thing.. Also updated BIOS, then downgraded cuz it was the same. Could it also be that SSD broke? Also noticed that sometimes wifi, or bluetooth randomly breaks down and its impossible to turn on unless i restart the laptop.
Yes RAM manufacturer is different but i bought the same speed, same CL same voltage.
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Mixing RAM is often problematic, even when they appear to be the same they're often not. I've seen countless BSODs and crashes that were caused by mismatched RAM. The only sensible way to buy RAM is as a pack of matched sticks.

It's also a mistake to filter the system log before uploading it. The warning messages often contain valuable information, sometimes the informational messages do too.

There are a fair number of these entries...
Log Name:      System
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-Logger
Date:          04/07/2023 17:37:02
Event ID:      1
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Keywords:      WHEA Error Event Logs
User:          LOCAL SERVICE
Computer:      DESKTOP-QLLFDVA
A fatal hardware error has occurred. A record describing the condition is contained in the data section of this event.
There is thus a hardware issue on there somewhere.

There also seems to be an issue with the NVidia graphics driver nvlddmklm.sys, there are an unusuallyu large number of nvlddmkm.sys messages in there. The dumps may help shed more light on these.

You might want to upload the dump files, they will be in C:\Windows\Minidump, zip them all up and upload the zip file, either here or to the cloud with a link to it here (be sure to make it public).
Jul 24, 2023
I uploaded unfiltered event logs and crash dumps as there are not many of them but i hope that helps a bit.

Ok, so ill need two new identical ram sticks probably. Yeah gpu acts weird but it kinda started at the same time as the BSODS. Also tried reinstalling the drivers by doing a full driver clean for gpu.

Thanks for the reply.


Having looked through the five dumps I'm of the opinion that this is a bad RAM problem. My reasons for saying this are...
  • None of the dumps have any third-party drivers on the call stack. That's often a good indication of a hardware cause.
  • Two of the dumps failed with an 0xC000005 exception code, that's an invalid memory (RAM) access.
  • One of the dumps fails with a stack pointer error in the igdkmd64.sys driver (the Intel graphics driver). Whilst this could be a driver error it could also be a RAM problem.
  • One of the dumps fails with a 0xC0000142 exception code, that's a dll initialisation failure - most likely because the copy in memory (RAM) is corrupted.
  • One of the dumps fails a Microsoft kernel function (nt!KiTimerWaitTest) with an invalid memory allocation whilst running at an elevated IRQL. That is almost certainly a memory (RAM) error.
In addition to the above (albeit circumstantial) evidence, one of the 0xC0000005 dumps explicitly points to a memory (RAM) error...
 *** Memory manager detected 5 instance(s) of page corruption, target is likely to have memory corruption.

Either one or other (or both?) of those RAM sticks are bad or they are badly mismatched. RAM should be bought in packs of matched RAM, never singly. It's not just the speed that matters, the voltages and all the timings must match.

When you say here that the CPU went crazy on one RAM stick...
...I tried removing one ram stick, using with one, using with another one, laptop went crazy on 100% CPU usage and doing nothing...
That's indicative of that RAM stick being bad. Was the laptop stable on just the other RAM stick?

If you want 16GB of RAM in two sticks (which is wise, so that you benefit from dual-channel mode), then you should buy two RAM sticks together in a pack - but be certain that the RAM is suitable for your laptop.
Jul 24, 2023
That's indicative of that RAM stick being bad. Was the laptop stable on just the other RAM stick?
For 3 years yes cuz its original ram, then i added 4GB more (8gb was too expensive at the time), it worked for like a year then the problems came,then i removed the 4GB it worked good but it was too slow so then i bought 8GB one,worked for idk a week, problems started again, then started swapping and pc got crazy on any of the ram stick inserted.

Oh wow, i see you're great on this, i was wondering to try swapping for a new RAM kit but didnt know if it would fix the problem, now im kind of confident of doing it, gonna buy a kit of 2x8GB and try it out.
The original one was 2133mhz, but i looked at the manual and i see this laptop can support 2667mhz, should i give it a try or stick to 2133?