Laptop "crashes" router

Hello, I have this problem and a friend of mine has it. To begin with we have different internet providers, different laptops, different routers. So what happens - my laptop gets a blue screen so crashes and has to be restarted, while I am restarting it the connection on every device stops but the router is working. Same happens to my friend when his laptop overheats and restarts - his router gives no connection as well. I have been wondering why it happens like this but all I can say is that my router was configured by my laptop(the one which stops the net when it crashes) and same goes for my friend. Help please
Is it possible you have ICS enabled on your laptop? That's internet connection sharing. This would be for using your laptop as a hotspot. Maybe everyone is connected to your laptop.

Also, open up your routers configuration and make sure that the dhcp is allowing enough connections. Make sure that dhcp is enabled anyway.

Honestly, if it were me I would reset the router and my laptops tcp/ip stack. Basically go back to factory settings and start again. This is not normal behavior for a network.