Laptop freezing after an hour of gaming, sometimes even when I'm not. Please help.


Aug 7, 2015
Hello, so I am not the least tech savvy person on the planet but I am in need of assistance. My laptop has for a while been freezing, usually it occurs after playing a game for one hour or so. Rarely, but sometimes the freeze occurs when I am simply browsing the internet or watching a video. My laptop is only about half a year old, so I don't believe this should be happening at all. My laptops statistics are:

-cpu: i7-6700HQ
-gpu: nvidia 970m
-ram: 16 gb
-1 ssd and 1 hdd (the game is installed on this harddrive if that matters)

I believe this is all the notable information that should be provided. Also, I use obs studio when playing my games, I don't believe this started happening after using obs though, so I don't believe that to be the case. Overheating could be an issue but both fans are working properly and are clean, and I also have a laptop cooling fan beneath it as well for good measure. The bottom left hand portion of the keyboard does heat up a bit when the fans aren't on duty (I believe it is either the gpu or the cpu for I am unsure of what my fans copper wires are attached to). I purchased the laptop from cyberpowerpc and have sent it to them under warranty. They wrote to me in an email when I asked what they had done to solve the issue. They replied "We reloaded windows and tested the system using PRIME 95 to stress test the CPU so as to recreate the issue. System no longer freezes." Since I am writing this post, the problem is still quite clearly there. I have done as much as I believe I can do as a user, I have had someone who is much more competent, when it comes to stuff like this, look at my computer before I had sent it back for warranty.F He couldn't figure out the problem, he said the bios "may" have needed to be updated, but according to cyberpower things like bios or firmware should still all be up to date. I am at a loss, and am open to any suggestions I may have not yet encountered, if you know what's wrong I would be grateful to know the solution. Thank you for reading this far and another thank you in advance if you answer.

TL;DR: Computer is freezing. I don't know why. Please help!

I should note that I'm unsure if this is even in the right category for asking this question, apologies in advance if it isn't.

EDIT: I must do a hard reset via the power button, to get out of the freeze. I have reinstalled the OS on the SSD wiping it clean(cyberpower seems to have done the same seeing as how things were missing from the computer like the screensaver and some stored pictures, so make that twice), although the HDD remains untouched.

Ok so it's safe to say it's not the cpu. If you stress test the gpu at the same time, are the results the same?

Edit: Fail :mmmfff:

You're in the right place, we'll take care of you :)

Alright, lets get down to business.
Can you use a GPU, CPU, Ram, and HDD/SSD monitor while you are gaming so you can see what is causing this if any? Also at idle what is your cpu/ram/hard drive usage?

Task manager should work for everything but GPU which I'd recommend GPU-Z's Sensor tab that you can get over here:

I use open hardware monitor is that okay?

I hope I'm answering this properly according to what I'm seeing

The CPU Total is jumping around from as low as .5% to about 9%, it's generally hovering below 4% (9 was what task manager said in one instant)
GPU core is 135MHz,
GPU Memory is 324MHz
GPU Shader is 270MHz
all GPU temps are at 0 except for GPU Memory at 1%
The temp of the SSD is 33 degrees Celsius
and the HDD is 39 degrees Celsius
This is all idle.

While gaming it is:

CPU Total averages past 5% but still under 9/10%
Clocks on the GPU max out
for example GPU Core is at 1038MHz out of 1038
Memory and shader are also maxed out
Load wise:
GPU Core is at 24%
Memory Controller is at 10%
Gpu Memory is maxed out at 26.7%

The HDD is at 39 degrees celcius
and the SSD is at 34

Hope this helps.

EDIT: I should mention that my fans are powerful, so they have their own manual setting for when I want the laptop to get cooler faster. At the time of the tests the fans were not on, so temperatures may be higher than normal.

FANGBOOK 4 SX6-200 Gaming Laptop
Hope this is what you mean by model. The laptop is always plugged in, especially when I game.

Download a cpu stress test such as Heavyload.
Use Window's Task Manager and what does the clock speed go up to? Also does Utilization stay capped?

Edit: Shortened the quote spam

Speeds reach about 3.1 GHz at 100% utilization

Yea, that rules out my theory of a powerdraw issue. That's strange. Usually when a pc just completely freezes it's due to the cpu not getting enough power or overheating. Are you sure there isn't any dust buildup?

Edit: Try a RAM stress test. It could be a memory issue.

I guess that depends on the definition of a dust build-up. When I opened it up earlier today I blew into the fans and there were still small lines of dust attached to the fan that didn't come up. When I turn on the fans the gusts of wind can be felt when I put my hands near them. Does it not matter if I can feel the wind being produced? There are also many vents below the laptop for the air from the cooler to blow air through, so I highly doubt that overheating is the cause of this issue.

yea a little dust should be fine. Try a memory test though.

Nothing's really changed. Again only the CPU in the task manager rose, but memory didn't see much of a change, there were some spikes but it eventually stayed around 3.2 GB

EDIT: In Open hardware Monitor the percentage was steadily rising for generic memory

I was under the assumption you were PST and that's why you replied so fast, thank goodness I get to sleep as well haha. I'll see you then. Thank you for your help so far.

I used Prime 95 it seems like nothing went wrong over the night, but I can't tell if the test was completed because the computer fell asleep when I went on, all stress tests it had logged were marked as passes though. Times that were marked were after an about an hour or so and stopped. I tried the website you provided but it seemed like it had to be paid from what I saw.

There is a free version but if prime95 completed then your ram should be fine. The last thing I can think of would be a windows error. Could you possibly try another installation?

Well, I've done it, I suppose only time will tell, I should mention at the time of this post. The laptop is getting unusually hot despite not having anything taxing turned on. Does this mean anything?

Well if there's dust buildup in the heat sync that'd make sense.