Laptop freezing, then screen turns black.

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Raul Sabag

Sep 2, 2014

Recently, my laptop has been experiencing random lock ups. Every time this happens, the screen turns black a few seconds after and the only thing I can do is a hard reset. Im hoping it isnt hardware related, even though Im pretty sure it is.

Any ideas as to what is going on?

Processor: AMD V120 Processor
Video Card: AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250
Memory: 2.8 GB
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
I was having the same issue and I finally found out that it was the Apple products that were causing my laptop to freeze randomly. I went in and uninstalled all Apple related programs and it seems to have fixed it for me. Whenever I download photos etc of my Apple phone I just make sure that straight after doing it, I uninstall the program again.
Just a suggestion - Hope this helps!
I dont think its a heating issue though, because it sometimes freezes during the first startup too.,
Cleaned the fan, dust and anything dirty, even got a laptop cooler and still the same results.

Around a 2 months ago I changed my RAM for a better one, im starting to think that might be the problem.
Could it be the cause of faulty RAM?
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