Laptop Gaming Conversion Idea Worth?

Brandon Lew

Jul 24, 2014
So I'm going to be moving away for college and apparently because my whole family is coming to drop me off, I won't have space to bring my desktop and my 24" monitor with us.

To the point -- I have my basic business laptop...HP Probook 4530s

- Intel I3-2330m
- Intel HD 3000 (freaking sucks at playing games)
- 4GB DDR3 ram
- Win 7 64bit
- 500GB HDD

I don't intend to play games all day, but if there is free time, I'm sure I'd enjoy being able to play some games from time to time, but seeings how my computer barely even runs CS:GO at lowest setting on 1024x768...I can't stand fact I can't even run Dirty Bomb at lowest...I get like 8-10fps.

My plan is to get an external pci-e ramp for my old GTS450 Super Clocked and use it with a conversion kit to have an external gpu. I am aware that these kits don't offer 100% performance of the gpu, but it should still be a sh*t ton better than my poop HD3000 *if that's even considered more than a baked potato*

That is the kit I'm getting and I have a expressslot on my laptop which is compatible for the kit and I have an perfectly good old psu in an old abandoned desktop in my storage which I can use for this.

Question: Will my I3-2330m + GTS450 Superclocked, be decent enough to run modern games at 1366x768 at medium-high?

(Anything performance boost is better than this laptop stock really)
Not worth at all.
You can get a laptop good enough to play CSGO for like 300$ just check craigslist and stuff.
Just sell that laptop save up and get a new one.

I was going to go with your option, however I didn't feel that I completely agreed with you either so I went ahead and got myself the PE4C v2.1. I set it up today and at the beginning I didn't realize I had my express card slot set at Gen 1 (pci-e 1.1)...thus I didn't initially see any improvements whatsoever. BUT it dawned on me that somewhere in the bios I could switch to Gen 2 (pci-e 2.0) which I did. My performance with the GTS 450 Superclocked and my i3 2330m and 4GB ram gave me 55+ fps on every game I played at high - max settings. I tried MoH 2010 max settings getting btwn 55-60fps constant where I could only run it at 800x600 lowest and only get 28fps on the HD3000. CS:GO ran at max (even though I never play at max) and I was getting 70+fps. Thank you for your suggestion, but it seems my option worked quite well on my part.