Laptop Gaming Issue

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Jan 2, 2016
Hello guys,recently I bought a laptop,it's an ASUS ROG G551-JW with i7 4750hq processor 3.2 ghz,GTX 960M 4GB GDDR5 and 8gb RAM.I downloaded some games like Far Cry 4,Fallout 4 and GTA V and all of them are running with low fps (25-30) at the minimum graphics settings.My friend has an ASUS laptop aswell with i7 4720hq and the same gpu,and he says he is having 45-60 fps on farcry 4 on ultra settings.Is there a big difference between the 2 cpus or I need to do some settings to mine?Thanks verry much!
what would happen if you were to swap drives to see if frame rate is still slow on your laptop but using friend's hard drive & vice versa?

I will try but we have the same laptop but his is the newer version with 17.3 display,so we have the same HDD.But I will try and reply here,thanks!


So I got back from my friend.We swap the HDD s and no result.I think it's just my laptop that it's crap..Thanks
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