Laptop GPU 88 degrees - Safe?

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Deus Gladiorum

Hey guys,

I have an Acer Aspire V7-582PG with an i5-4200U @ 1.6 GHz and a GT 750M. When I play Red Orchestra 2 -- a game I'm pretty sure is somewhat bottlenecked by my CPU, even at the lowest settings my GPU ranges anywhere from around 75 - 88 degrees Celsius, max. It's really hot. Is this particularly safe? I put a lot of time into this game on this laptop, and I want to make sure I'm still able to do so.

Also, does anyone know if a cooling pad would help out? Its effectiveness probably has to do with where the intake vents are, I imagine.
The GPUs themselves are fine to run at that temp. The fuss most times is about the new lead free solders, they don't take thermal cycling as well as the leaded stuff (repeated heating and cooling). I'd look on the owners boards for Acer and check to see if people are having a lot of problems or not.
This is quite too high. You'll want to get rid of that dust buildup inside. I've had experience with cooling pads myself, and I will say that they do help. Not only does it keep the laptop a but raised but if you get a good quality cooler it can reduce temps a bit. I think dust cleanup will solve the issue for you though.
The GPUs themselves are fine to run at that temp. The fuss most times is about the new lead free solders, they don't take thermal cycling as well as the leaded stuff (repeated heating and cooling). I'd look on the owners boards for Acer and check to see if people are having a lot of problems or not.
I really doubt it's a dust issue. I only got this laptop in September and, even though I only started monitoring temps recently, the amount of heat generated by my laptop and its fan speed feels roughly the same as the first time I started playing RO2 on my laptop, which was probably around October. royalcrown, thanks for the advice, but looking on the forums it doesn't seem anyone's mentioning that as this isn't an especially popular laptop and the GT 750M version is somewhat rarer than the standards HD 4600 version.
Well, people only usually complain about the bad and not the good, so it might be a non issue, Sorry I can't help much but I never owned a laptop, so I am not sure what is "average" heatwise, I just know that the GPUs can run hot and that the new folder and BGA chip packages suck !

Gimme good 'ol 63/37 anyday for reliability ! (solder talk 😀)

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