[SOLVED] Laptop Hot Temperature


Jun 10, 2016
so im just buying new laptop (about a week ago) its lenovo ideapad 330 with i5-8300H and GTX 1050 with 4GB of ram, after im playing dota 2 with my friend about 3 hours, i notice on my RealTemp app that my CPU just reach 92 celsius and the thermal status has 2 LOG status which i know that is too hot for laptop isnt? what should i do? i still have 2 years warranty (because its still new) should i buy cooling pad

oh and i place my laptop on broken cooling pad with flat wooden desk below it so i think i place it right

Update: right now i want to test yakuza 0 with 2 hours playing with medium-high setting 768p the cpu temperature still fine about 67-80c
I think you are good and should do nothing.
Peaks of 95c. are not bad.
And, remember, temperature reporting is not always accurate.
Install HWmonitor which will monitor your temperatures.
It will tell you both the current temperature and the peak.
The processor will not suffer any permanent heat damage.
It will slow down or shut off if it senses a dangerous temperature.
That is around 100c.
It is no fun th have a pc shut down on you unexpectedly.
But, if that does happen, then is probably the time to consider reapplying thermal paste.
It is always possible that the original paste was not applied well.
But your good idle temperature tells me that your cooler was installed well and the thermal paste is doing it's job.
10-15c. over ambient...
It's up there, yes. Mobile parts won't throttle until they hit ~100'C, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's 'ok'.

Unfortunately, laptop implementation is about getting things as small/thin as possible - mostly at the expense of heat.

Like most laptops, the venting on the IdeaPad 330 is underneath. Having it on a flat wooden surface won't be helping the situation. Try elevating it some, so there's a path for airflow.
Laptops need compact coolers that can not be totally efficient.
All you can do is keep the air vents clear.
I doubt that a new laptop has been run sufficiently long to accumulate dust.

I have no experience with cooling pads, but that might be a good idea.
The processor will throttle or shut down to protect itself if it detects a dangerous temperature.
That is around 100c.

I already elevating it with broken cooling pad, but its weird though yesterday i play yakuza 0 for 2 hours and my cpu tempt never reach 90c im using msi after burner and the hotest temp is 85 and it only for a mere second then drop to 69, so is there any suggestion beside airflow? Should i buy cooling pad? If yes what is your recommendation?

yeah because the ventilation is underneath the laptop maybe i should go buying new cooling pad im sorry to ask because you have no experience for cooling pad but is there any good recommendation cooling pad? i surf the web and everybody saying HAVIT Cooling Pad Laptop HV-F2056 3Fans- 17'' is the best choice its pretty chep in my country though only cost $20

Sounds like it is worth $20 to try.
I looked it up on Amazon and the user reviews are quite good.

already buy and test it while my laptop idle the heat is pretty much good (i think) around 38-42 and 44-59 (while using chrome, youtube, and streaming) but while gaming its still pretty much same 55-90 (and its reach 95c even though its only for a mere second about 1-2 while im playing ni no kuni 2 with medium low setting 900p) idk what to do anymore since i still have 2 years warranty AND if i insist to re apply new thermal paste theres a chance my warranty is gone for good
I think you are good and should do nothing.
Peaks of 95c. are not bad.
And, remember, temperature reporting is not always accurate.
Install HWmonitor which will monitor your temperatures.
It will tell you both the current temperature and the peak.
The processor will not suffer any permanent heat damage.
It will slow down or shut off if it senses a dangerous temperature.
That is around 100c.
It is no fun th have a pc shut down on you unexpectedly.
But, if that does happen, then is probably the time to consider reapplying thermal paste.
It is always possible that the original paste was not applied well.
But your good idle temperature tells me that your cooler was installed well and the thermal paste is doing it's job.
10-15c. over ambient is a good idle temperature for a desktop.
But, you risk causing damage by taking a laptop apart to replace paste.
Laptop parts are small and not robust.

Leave well enough alone I think.

yeah i think you're right im too panic when it reach over 90 while playing, i think its fine because i played my game in my room with AC + cooling pad, if you can though can you see my link? that its the place where i place my laptop is it already good enough? thank you

oh and can you tell me the max hours for me to playing game? right now im just playing 3 hours then stop