Laptop keys dont work


Jul 11, 2012
SOMETIMES my laptop keyboard keys doesn't work
I don't know how it started. Im sure it isn't a hardware problem

the following keys don't work
s, k, j, l, f, 1
'shift', 'left arrow key'

and it happens together, like when one of the above keys dont work the others wont work as well and when one of the keys work the others work as well :O

And it only happens SOMETIMES, other times, it works perfectly

please help !!

It has been occuring alot now :C
i doubt it, i dont eat or drink near it,
is it possible for it to be a internal software problem?

i mean all the keys go unresponsive at the same time and then responsive again at the same time, that cant be a physical problem

It is most definitely not a software problem. Who is the manufacturer of the laptop?
I already mentioned that it occurs sometimes, so i did the test 2 times, one while it was working, and one while it wasnt
So here they are

Test when keys worked: All keys worked perfectly
Test when keys were unresponsive: Shift, CapsLock, S, F, J, K, L, 1, 3(numpad), left arrow key, backslash, pagedown keys didnt work D:

Any ideas what it might be? :/

Thanks :)