Question laptop overheating despte brand new 70c idling

Oct 27, 2021
I bought a new asus f17 gaming laptop, 3050ti, 16gb 3200mhz ram, 1tb ssd, 11800h cpu. and its overheating while idling, i just noticed it today while checking temps. its absurd, sometimes it would hit 80c plus. its sitting flat on my desk. i heard theres a few things to try, cooling bad, undervolting, power options, tried most but no success. i would prefer to not have to open laptop but when i stressed tested it with xtu it said thermal throttling at temps around 96c. I dont know if asus has warranty but might have to be the route i take. any fixes anyone knows about or similiar situations?
Its new, you don't open it. If its still i the return windows the send it back.
Otherwise, use the warranty as already suggested.
I got it thru a third party company don’t believe there’s a warranty unless it has one thru asus. what about undervolting my cpu? when i run games it doesn’t hit crazy temps it was only when i stressed tested it and terrible idle temps
I would still call or email Asus and let them know what is going on and see if its under warranty, the most they can tell you is no and your still stuck in the same place.

If its not under warranty i would open it up and repaste the cpu to see if that cools it down.
So I just got off the phone with ASUS, literally did nothing for me. the same thing happened. all the same stuff i tried they did too. they honestly dont know what they are doing at all. company is a joke.

but, I have a warranty till october next year. they are willing to do a rma but idk how long thats going to take.

my question rn is the idling speeds of 60-70c is that damaging my cpu and gpu?
gaming gives me about 75-85c.

its no ideal but to deal with shipping it out and such would be so tidieous. could open it for sure. fans are working and spinning at 3500rpm.
Ok so im on turbo in armoury crate and im fluctuating around 47-64. 50s being the primary lows. steady 51s basically. I went into bios and turned on voltage config, lowered it small by -30. helped a bit. I also went into throttlestop and saw tdp was set to 0-0 i tried changing it to 0-25 but it would only let me do 1-1. weird but its ok i presume. ive been stress testing as we speak, It thermal throttled 8 times in two minutes and power throttled once, max temp was 93c and it still said i passed in XTU.

this is ming boggling to me, I feel i will benefit from maybe modding the back vents.

that is the model of my laptop, except i have the 3050ti and the 11800h.
Okay, update.

I recently did some more stress tests, but with a option i tweaked in the power menu.
“maximum processing power” i saw it in so many different videos. but never had the option until i found the right work around in regedit. Ended up putting it 85% kinda like the low temps of 46c on idle. but ended up with 90% with 48c on idle. this also keeps my cpu while taking heavy load of steaming at 1080 and playing apex legends to around 66-73c not bad at all!

GPU heat is worse now which is good! because that’s not as bad imo, your supposed to have near max usage and as it’s a small confined place it’s going to be hot.

I’m going to tweak the back of the laptop still. saw the air vents if you will. the laptop performs fine on titles i play, it was never really a laptop to run heavy games, I play Val, Csgo, apex and survival games like rust and deadside. nothing crazy so these temps i’m actually ok with compared to previously.

max temp on heavy load for gpu was around 76c to 83c , not terrible. Just going to invest in a nice cooler, tweak the vents and if that doesn’t help to lower temps at least a good 5-8c then i will replace thermal past to a better one maybe Arctic MX5, any opinions would really help on the progress so far