Laptop Overheating Questions

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Nov 21, 2013

I purchased MSI GE 60 2PE Apache Pro. It featured a good keyboard and a unstable but doesn't seem to jump around like the other's had. I also have no problems on any aspects of this laptop, except the heat.

The issue I start to worry since the first day. It normally idle's on 38,34,37,38 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th core ) based on RealTemp 3.70. But displays 48 degree on CPU and 50 degree on GPU in MSI Dragon Gaming Center.

When I was playing Hitman Absolution on High Settings, I noticed the CPU goes to around 86 degree celcius and the GPU goes to 87 degree celcius after one and a half hour on playing.

So should I return the laptop because of this issue, could you suggest me some of the other laptop's ( except for Alienware - Too expensive, Sager, Gigabyte ( Not available in the country I am staying ). The laptop have a Intel i7 4710HQ which is soldered into the motherboard, is it possible to reapply the thermal paste since I heard MSI cooling paste's are poor but does the job.

So now I am quite frustrated, can you help me? Thank you! If you need more information please let me know.

Glad to help mate. If I had one I would most likely keep it or return it if they allow and hopefully find a better one.
I wouldn't return the laptop just yet.

Do you play with a laptop cooler! Because all games played on a laptop will need a laptop cooler to cool it. When you do this, the laptop temperature will go to about 60° Celcius.

I wanted to get the MSI GS70, one of the thinnest laptop in the world but when playing high quality games it goes to about 90° which is extremely bad will fry the table.

But if you don't want to get a laptop cooler soon. I recommend getting one of the egg trays. It is temporary but not recommend for long period as it is not efficient but just a bit. To me better than nothing. :)
Yes, I used a laptop cooler and it lowered temperature by around 2 degree celcius. I also heard MSI GS70 have power draining issue, on the GTX 770M, if you have charger and battery plugged in, it will still drain the battery instead of charging it, causing it to drop below 30% battery and even lower. I will post more information's tomorrow since I need to get some sleep now ( The time zone here is GMT +8 ). Thank you for your answer. I am quite relieved now knowing returning the laptop isn't the only way. :)

No worries mate. I guess you are an Aussie too. 😀
Another thing you can do is to remove the battery and use only the AC adapter. Battery generates heat. If possible keep the battery cover removed while laptop is on top of cooler. Might help.

Heat issue is one of the reason laptops are not good for gaming. The other is unable to upgrade CPU and GPU.
Hello, I am very happy for the helps given. So I will start with the informations first:

When playing Hitman Absolution on High Settings and settings as follows:

Resolution: 1920 X 1080, Fullscreen On, MSAA off. Vsync off.
Quality Level: High
Testure Filter: Anisotropic 8X
FXAA, Global Illumination, Tesselation On.
Bloom: Normal

Lags? None.
Stuttering? None.

Battery is removed as always, cooler pad is applied ( Single large fan ).

During game: 81, 79, 79, 78 degree celcius ( CPU ) Around 83 degree celcius, to be confirmed ( GPU )
After game ( around 3 seconds ): 68, 65, 64, 66 degree ( CPU ) 82 degree celcius ( GPU )

Power consumption after 3 seconds of shutting down the game: 39W

Fan speed: 4948 RPM

electrontau: I removed the battery as always. Removing the cover is an issue because it would void the warranty.
turkey3_scratch: It is not blowing right into a wall, the vents pathway are clear. Can I know what cooler do you use?

Thank you. I hope for your answer soon. :)
Unfortunately it is impossible to find a laptop at the same specifications at this price in the country I lived in. The brands available is Acer, Toshiba, Asus, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, MSI, Samsung, Sony. There is also no custom-building laptop. To buy a laptop with similar specifications, the only way is to use another 316$ and go for the Asus, which I avoided to.

Can I ask a final question? Is applying a new thermal compound a solution? Because I can have almost direct access to the GPU ( Removing cover, taking off a heat-pipe and a cover ), I just need to contact MSI since they often let us do what we want without voiding the warranty under permission.

It is possible if you want to but highly recommend contacting MSI before going for it. :)
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