Laptop Randomly Shuts Off .

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Apr 18, 2015
Hi! I've had a HP Pavilion Dv4 and I Recently had to get a new battery for it. The battery didnt work out because when It is not plugged In it randomly shuts off. Im POSITIVE that its not overheating or anything like that because when Its plugged In I Can use it for ever. My Question is, is there a way to make it not do this besides by getting a new battery? Thanks!
Here's the question I have is did you try running your laptop plugged in with the battery removed? If it can run off the A/C adapter then chances are you may have to contact HP for support as it sounds like it could be an internal main board power issue with the laptop that's not easily fixed by the battery alone.

It charges, and runs fine with it plugged into the wall with and without the battery in it. Ive always had that kind of problem with old batteries and it probably has to do with it was a $20 battery and or I didnt break it in properly, Thanks for the reply Though!

Thats what I Thought. I Also pondered the thought that maybe I didnt break it in right or something? its a fairly new battery (3 months old or so). Thanks!
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