UltraSharp is nice depending on how long you are going to use it for each day and what you are going to use it for. If your wife is anything like my girlfriend... it really doesn't matter as long as they can get the things done they want. (I just wouldn't mention it is an option to her)
When you are looking at adding $100 to a $800 machine that's a fair piece of change in the overall price, and 'future proofing' is a good idea... maybe the money would be better spent on performance enhancements like an extra gig of memory, or a larger hard drive for your own piece of mind...
The memory for 'bang for your buck' performance increase, or the larger (preferably faster) hard drive to speed up the overall computing AND so you can partition it, use a backup program so if she gets a virus or malware (like I just had to deal with yesterday and today until I gave up) you can save your time and just restore the thing to 3 days ago or whatever (this is a great hindsight piece of advice I wish I would have done myself to save 3 hours of my life in trying to clean the system of malware and trojan's alone... now I have to reinstall all the programs).
The other thing I would recommend is since she is going to be a "casual user" instead of paying big bucks for Office (as you said she would be using Word, Excel Power Point etc) maybe look into Sun's Open Office which I picked up on Ebay for $8.95 shipped and it exactly mimics MSOffice. The programs can open, work with and save just like Office. It is really
much better than I thought it was going to be. I really can't see spending the $$$ on Office with an alternative like this available.
I am so sick of spyware, Malware, Viri etc. because "
admining my stinking girlfriends computer is getting to be like supporting a whole 'nother company! I am seriously considering a Linux Distro like
Linspire so I don't have to deal with it! It's like giving your kid an unbreakable toy, yea, it might not be the fanciest thing in the world, but it's great for breaking other toys! It will ultimately save me a ton of time and my sanity!