Laptop refuses to connect to 802.11g modem-router


Nov 9, 2016

Samsung N150
DLINK DSL-2640B modem-router
Netgear WNR2000 router
Realtek RTL8188CE Mini PCI-E

Here's the story... a friend sold me his laptop for $25, everything works fine, except for the wireless connection, the laptop had Windows 7 installed but it ran horrible, wireless didn't worked with 7 so I installed Debian 8.7, wireless still not working with my modem-router, drivers are ok, but here's the thing, my modem has 802.11g and it works because I tried connecting my computer and had no problems, so after hours of trying stuff including checking the modem configuration I plugged in the Netgear router, 802.11n and guess... it works, well, almost, the laptop connects but if it enters sleep mode then I have to disconnect and reconnect the network from the Debian network manager, not a big problem though.
The wireless card says it's compatible with both g and n but it refuses to work with my router's g connection.. what's wrong?

For those wondering, I can't just let the router installed because my UPS is already full and I had to unplug my computer monitor to plug the router in, I only have 1 wall outlet and the UPS is there, I usually don't use Wi-Fi but since I now have this laptop I've enabled it to get Debian updates and some software...