Laptop stuttering when watching videos online


Feb 12, 2014
Hi, its my first post here. anyway as above, my laptop stutters when playing vids online. vlc/games is fine, it does happen rarely though, unline youtube where its more consistent. i have a sony vaio E series. memore about 50% used, flash player and windows updates all up to date. hmm. what else? core temp 65 and 75 degrees celsius. after stuttering like that for a while, maybe 1 min or less, it continues playing, sometimes the video stops buffering sometimes it continues
Sorry for vertical video!
yeah i stutters on IE as well as on far tried using default player(as opposed to html5 player on youtube). also tried clearing all history on chrome. still stutters. anyway its not only specific to youtube. just online videos
thank you for the help im getting.
but ive tried the suggestions already but it still happened.
think its my video driver? im using ATI mobility radeon HD 5650. it seems to be the latest version
I think it's a software issue related to browser plugins but since you tried three different ones I'm not sure what it could be specifically.

By STUTTER do mean the video content that has ALREADY BUFFERED, or do you just mean the constant buffering itself?

The constant buffering is a network issue.

I doubt that would help, though I'm a little stumped as to what the problem could be.

I'm not sure if it would matter, but you could try:
1) updating the BIOS
2) updating drivers (see laptop support site)

If really stumped, try monitoring CPU usage in the Task Manager (CTRL-ALT-DEL) to see if it's maxing out at 100% (under "performance"). If it is then see what program is eating up your CPU cycles in "processes".

You also say it only happens RARELY so it might be that your CPU is being used by an Antivirus process or something else. If you look at Task Manager you can see the CPU history, but under "processes" only the CURRENT usage so the video has to be stuttering at the time you look at PROCESSES or you can't tell what program is using your CPU cycles.

You should also try checking "Hardware acceleration" under Flash if it isn't enabled. In Firefox, just right-click on a Youtube video and select "settings" and the Adobe window should pop up.
well, i think its become worse and more recurrent. my vlc now causes my com to hang but when i use mkv player everything is fine. wmp is also fine. online videos still are stuttering and freezing. my drivers are all updated and my cpu usage was at 25% when it crashed. 1% from audiodg.exe and tthe rest from vlc so i dont think its cpu usage.