Laptop vs. Desktop for uni, under £900/£1000

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Jack Laskey

Jun 24, 2014
Hi guys!
I'm (hopefully) going to uni next September, and have, obviously, been looking for some sort of computer to get.
Now, I will be getting a monitor around Christmas time, to improve on my current 1280x1080 one. I could use this regardless of whether I get a laptop or PC, just throwing it in for background.

My current thinking is either:

- £700ish desktop ( I already have a case and psu) + a £200 chromebook/windows laptop


- a decent laptop (something like this: open to suggestions, but battery life of above 4hrs is key)

If anyone has any ideas that could aid me in this, i'd be grateful for any help!
Thanks in advance!
I guess it depends on what you intend on studying and if you want to play games. If games or your studies are something that need horsepower go with the desktop.

If not then I'd say just get a nice laptop.

I'd be wanting to play GTA and civ mostly, and probably studying civil engineering (bridges n stuff), so not much needed for work, mostly just play
Probably go with the desktop then. You might end up needing the horsepower for the bridge stuff if they give any sort of simulation software or what not.

I should point out most Uni's usually let you check out laptops from the library if you really need to have one in the classroom for whatever reason.

ooh, i didnt know that, thanks man!
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