My laptop is showing me a completely white screen. Some times I see my desktop sometimes not at all. Some times it flash white/grey lines. Most of the time there is no picture just a white/black/grey screen. However if I plug my computer into my TV using HDMI I can see my desktop and there are no flashes of white/grey or whatever it works as normal. I took it to a computer repair man he said it was Windows 10 causing the issues seeing as it was upgraded from Windows 8/8.1 that came stock on the laptop. However I had been running Windows 10 on this laptop since January during the preview period with no problems. The problems have only started within the last month. Any ideas on what the problems may be or how to fix them? Would perhaps doing a clean install of Windows 10 fix the issue? Or do you think it is hardware? The repair guy seemed to think it wasn't.