Laptop will not connect to tv now

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Oct 3, 2016
My acer laptop was working on hdmi for a while because my screen was broken and I don't have enough money to fix it and I can't see not a thing but once I updated my drivers on my laptop the computer never connected to a tv again and idk what to do
Have you tried disconnecting them (at both ends, removing all connection information from the system, and then starting from scratch. Sometimes when you have updates or other changes on the computer this can happen.

If this doesn't help, try updating your drivers and should that not help you may want to try a different HDMI cord.
Have you tried disconnecting them (at both ends, removing all connection information from the system, and then starting from scratch. Sometimes when you have updates or other changes on the computer this can happen.

If this doesn't help, try updating your drivers and should that not help you may want to try a different HDMI cord.
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