Laptop Wireless adapter acting as a repeater.


Mar 5, 2013
So as the title says my wireless card is now only acting as a repeater and won't connect to the internet.

Before I had this problem I was using a program called Virtual Router and it worked perfectly fine but now it seems stuck and when I go to cmd and type in ipconfig/all my main wireless adapter says it's a repeater.

I would appreciate any help on this problem because it's really annoying and I can't connect to the internet without having to use another wireless card.

Here's a capture:




Mar 5, 2013

For some reason it keeps coming back, I've already tried the: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow command but it keeps going back to a repeater and I have to be stopping it every time. Is there anything else I could do?
Something is obviously re-running it.
Did you make sure to completly uninstall that software that caused this in the first place?

It could be staring from several different places including within the
1. Registy: You could do a search for hostednetwork to see if finds anything that starts it and delete it. if you find it and are not sure what to do, let me know I'll tell you what to delete.
It might be in the Run or RunOnce sections.

2. a Windows Services(in Admnisrator Tools) (check for the software name "virual router"
3. it could be starting from a batch file such as autoexec.bat