Laptop with a solid build


Jun 26, 2013
Help me out bros,
I'm a PC guy, and I always have been.
MacBooks are overpriced but I admire Apple's attention to detail:

  • The solid build
    Weight (not a fan of lightweight laptops)
    The sleek simple design
    The solid pleasing sound it makes when you close the screen (put that on repeat and I could fall asleep)
    The hinges on the display (my Asus feels cheap when I open it, I feel like I could rip it off without any strength.
    The magnetic power cord.

Basically, I'm looking for a PC laptop with a solid build, no plastic exterior, no cheap hinges, and a simple design.

Not a gamer, but I do prefer an i5/i7 (no AMD). 8-16gb ram. A SSD but a HDD is fine as well.
Best cases I've dealth with, Lenovo T and W series. Your requirement pretty much meet the same things I like in my laptops.

If you want the sleekest one, the models with "s" after them are thinner than normal. My personal laptop now is a T410s, which is a model you can get for probalby $250 in good cheap. It's a plastic case but has a metal bracing inside for sturdiness and the cases do not flex like some cheap mass market laptops with that bubble top that pops in when you push on it.

I have only used Lenovo T series at home and also deal with selling used ones because they are built to last and I don't have to worry about someone bringing one back to be because something broke.

Simple and solid with hinges that feel new after 10 years. I have personally had the T 41,42,43, 60, 61, 400, 420, 420s, W510, W520, and even the oldest ones I used felt very close to new.