Laptop won't recognise when it's charging!

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Dec 18, 2013
I have a pc which I bought a couple of years ago (VAIO VPCCB2Z8E/B) and I recently upgraded to windows 8 and then windows 8.1.
When I tried to run Battlefield 4, which I played on Windows 7, I simple couldn't, I got lag, some kinf of bad red/green separation, bad rendering (sorry for the bad description). I thought the problem was in the drivers wich I have already instaled. But I've noticed that the laptop is not working to what it used to when it was pluged in, it used to have the keyboard lights allway lit, so I thought if that function is not on maybe the switchable graphics aren't either, because they work when the computer is pluged in.

I would really apreciate an answer quick because i don't like to have my computer in this state...

PS: Sorry if there is some bad english in there, it's not my first language...
Hi!! just maneged to fix the problem i updated all of the drivers and the graphic card seems to be working for now... the keyboard isn't working at full speed do... no problem with that at least for me...
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