So my laptop was working perfectly fine up until I checked in yesterday morning to find out it isn't charging and won't turn on, there are no indication LED's on the laptop lighting up too. So I check the laptop charger voltages to check that it's working and I'm getting 19v as expected, so the charger is working fine, I also tested the charger on another PC and it works fine. So it's obviously the laptop at fault, I then check the fuse in the laptop charger cable, it's a 13A fuse... Which seems pretty damn high to be in a charger as I expect a 3A fuse. My friends laptop charger also stopped working that morning, to find out his 3A fuse in his charger had blown, so we replaced it and his laptop and charger are fine. I've left the laptop for 24 hours and trying again, nothings changed, try holding down the power button for 30 seconds, still nothing, seems like a paper weight at the moment..
TLDR: So my guess is that my laptop has been fried due to the laptop charger having too high an amperage fuse and my laptop took the grunt of a power surge frying the poor thing.
Do you reckon this is the reason it doesn't work? And any advice to double check what damaged parts are? I reckon I'm just going to have to get a new laptop.
The laptop is a Acer Aspire V Nitro (VN7-791G)
TLDR: So my guess is that my laptop has been fried due to the laptop charger having too high an amperage fuse and my laptop took the grunt of a power surge frying the poor thing.
Do you reckon this is the reason it doesn't work? And any advice to double check what damaged parts are? I reckon I'm just going to have to get a new laptop.
The laptop is a Acer Aspire V Nitro (VN7-791G)