Laptop works slow and fan works too much.

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Mar 24, 2015
I left my laptop with only 5% hard drive memory for quite a while. I knew i was supoosed to format it or clean the disk, but continued working with it that way, one day it crashed and showed me a blue screen. I formatted the computer. It took quite a while since everytime it made a restart to complete drivers install, it crashed and showed blue screen again. Now it doesnt shows the blue screen, but it gets pretty slow after a couple of minutes of being on. If i try to watch a video, it gets stuckon the image but sounds continues running, specially with internet videos, netflix etc. The fan also works too much and it sounds like it is under high performance, but it's not. They told me the hard drive needed to be changed, someone else, told me it was the ram, or the processor, or the video. I dont know how to fix it or what i need to replace. Anyone knows what could it be?
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