Laptops Space bar randomly not working


Aug 22, 2008
Hi guys. So my mom called me today to tell me that the spacebar on her hp laptop isn't working, and so I came to check it out. I took the faceplate out and cleaned it out and it in fact still wasn't functioning. I noticed that after windows boots, in the user login, it tends to type by itself automatically. Which forces me to just hit backspace and enter the password. This would hint at a sticky key would it not? However, no auto typing proceeds after log in. I read up briefly online and used the keyboard OSK application. Every button seemed to make a noise except for the space bar. My question to you all is if there is something else I can try to fix this, or if it is simply broken and due to be replaced.

Here is the laptop:
HP Amd A6-3400M

thanks in advance!