Large mouse

I think the complaint is that the cursor gets larger. I saw some posts on this on the forums at and from my understanding (and unfortunately, personal experience), there are issues with ATI's 5*** series cards and driver sets. Another issue in the same series of cards are "Grey Screen" issues - system halts, screen is grey/blue/green - may or may not be recoverable. No Blue screen crash, so no hex codes in the .dmp, either.

ATI are aware of the issues, and are supposed to be working on the fix(es). Supposedly it was fixed in 10.2, but I can attest that it is not.

<cries over having to use the 4870x2 from his old build in the new comp instead of the 5870 he bought>

it happens all the starts of normal than after 10 becomes larger and stayes that way

tried and it did not work.if i put it to sleep it is ok for a while and than it will get big again.i also try mother board bios for ga p55a also did not work.