@ SS, naw, just a slow drawn out one
LRB is intended to do everything CUDA claims to do, and may do it better, as well as being a gfx card, thats why theres more pressure on nVidia here with LRB.
I agree with helloworld here, if indeed LRB picks up alot of x86 devs, and finds its way into a major console, theres trouble ahead for both nVidia and ATI
The difference here is, LRB and whatever ATI/AMD brings to the table in 2012ish is going die side, or fusioned, which will leave nVidia out in the cold like the ugly red heaeded stepchile
Another scenario, and the one I see as most likely is, lower classed cards will simply disappear in this scenario, as fusion happens, and leaves only the higher/high end open for discrete, tho, listening to devs lately, they all sound like making agame is becoming too expensive, and progress there will be stalled for quite some time, and itll only be the renegade rogue camps that push the bubble
The devs are already outsourcing their artworks for games, and making them cheaper this way has stalled as well, and unless the adoption of DX11, and being able to use it, and hopefully doing so reduces manhours while still bringing higher eyecandy etc, itll stall, tho I still see an end to DX9.
One positive thing I am hearing is that devs actually may start putting in better story lines with better , larger worlds, but all this is speculation, and we wont know til it happens.
Keep in mind, for every LRB sold, thats 1 less sale to nVidia or ATI