Question Laser printer is not printing solid gray ?


May 27, 2014
I have a Canon LBP6030w Lase Printer. I'm printing a photo with a gray background, but the gray won't print solid, it's printing wide streaks, about two inches, light streaks. The toner is not low, so not sure what I can try. I'm printing from Adobe Photoshop. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Computer is a Lenovo Desktop, 64 bit.
Yes, it prints fine, but this is a print of one of my photos. Usually I just use the printer for text and coloring sheets for my students. I do recall I had this problem a few years ago but I can't remember now how I fixed it. Other photos have the same problem with light gray backgrounds. Thanks. This is a monotone laser printer.

"I do recall I had this problem a few years ago but I can't remember now how I fixed it."

Did some online "history" research. Maybe you found the fix online.

Google: "Adobe Photoshop grey background problem".

My search resulted in quite a number of links.

Try your own search and revise the search criteria as warranted.

See what you can find - may trigger some memory regarding the earlier solution.