Latest and greatest Win10 update apparently just destroyed my PC.

May 20, 2018
Windows10 did an automatic update while my PC was sleeping. Now all restore points are deleted and it's claiming hardware (disk) error and cannot load windows or finish updating, or go back to previous version... it's forcing me to do a clean reset. What on earth happened? and how can I fix it? Please help! My PC is far from obsolete...the OS SSD was bought in Jan'18, and run on i7-3770, 16Gb...everything has always worked fine up to this point. It's only uses are for imaging software, and occassional light gaming.

PS: Is there anyway to file a lawsuit to Microsoft for these occurrences? The clean reset will force me to delete essential files I need for work. This will set me back two weeks from delivery.

More points worth mentioning (that has obviously been put out there):
- Why do updates always insist on being automatic? My PC is clean and encountering very few if any errors at all. No viruses, no corruptions, my data is protected online. What is the point of the urgency. We should always have the option.
- Before any 'insisted' update, why not also insist on backing up, remind to create a restore point or an error warning bracing us for a possible complete corruption error, which I'm certain has been happening numerous times.
- Why are automatic updates taking place why the PC is sleeping/hibernating?
- For updates, can't we choose what we find as essential to update, such as only virus protection update?
- Windows needs to have a bullet point of all updates when it's prompted. No one knows exactly what these updates are unless you're uber-PC-detective that researches everything.
- It boggles me how my PC has just been literally been destroyed by this update. If someone can just have some type of explanation (forget the solution, I'll likely just end up resetting and deal with it) on how this mess happens, it will at least give some consolation.
- I feel like a moron having to explain something that I know Microsoft will continue to do and we have no control over it.
- Thanks Microsoft, you're the best.

Again obviously this falls on deaf ears as Microsoft will ignore it all and most 'expert' Tomhardware users will brush me off as another clueless noob.
1. Lawsuit? No. This is exactly what backups are for. Especially on a production $$ system.

2. Restore points? Yes, they get deleted during these semi-annual large updates. See #1.

3. What specific SSD is it? Have you run the manufacturers diagnostic tool on it?

Yes, I would have backed up and create restore the following morning before I choose to update. It automatically updated while hibernating. I don't get that.

I'll place a bet there's nothing wrong with my SSD at the time. I ran the diagnostic tool at installation. Probably only used it for about 75Gb worth of R/WR. My system is pristine.

Backups are what needs to happen continuously. Not just in anticipation of a particular known event.
For instance, my systems at home and at work are backed up every night.
At home, I can return the system to any configuration and status of any day in the last two weeks. health cannot be assumed.
It is probably just fine. But until a test is done now...all bets are off. I've seen drives go from great to dead in about 36 hours.

For the rest of the system and your data...
Do you have another working system? If so, plug this drive into that as a secondary drive. Don't boot off it.
Recover your personal project files.

Then we can go into diagnostics on exactly what happened with this update.
This is the big problem with Win10, M$ want us to trust them to update our systems automatically and to think of Win10 as a service.
Yes the number of borked systems on each major update is small considering the install base, but how many is too many?
Moral of the story, backup backup and just don't trust an upgrade to go smoothly, especially from M$ !
Not sure what your settings are, but Windows asked me if I wanted to start the April Issue update. The options I had were:

1) Do it now.
2) Set a time.
3) Remind me later.

I did it at that time. I'm pretty sure I got this option because I set my Ethernet connection to "Metered", which prevents most automatic updates.

-Wolf sends