Lawmakers Need To Learn More About Encryption Before Regulating It, Says U.S. House Report

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Or, here is a better idea, do not regulate it at all? Because all they would do is put the privacy of people and companies at risk if they try to regulate what was designed to allow for confidential and private matters tro stay that way.

However knowing the government, they will still want to so instead of law makers learning about it why not assign top experts who are actually in the field to assist in making sure they don't do what they normally do and screw us over?
Finally some sense; regulating encryption is stupid, as it doesn't prevent criminals from using strong encryption anyway (they don't care about your regulations, they're criminals), so all it does is weaken encryption for law abiding citizens. Maybe that's what some in government want, but the citizens do not (those that understand the issue at least).

The key thing to do is realise that regulating encryption is pointless, and that law enforcement agencies need to assume that encryption is unbreakable and proceed from there. Sure, sometimes they'll get lucky and encryption is weak or flawed, but they should be concentrating resources on stopping causes and means of crime; you stop terrorists by fighting radicalisation, with border security, and by preventing their access to weapons and/or the materials to make bombs (or track these to detect suspicious activity).
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