All of the sudden my LCD monitor for my desktop started flickering. Slightly for the first few minutes, then it got worse. The darker the screen flickered the louder the sound. Now it displays an image for a split second before going black. I can only see the faintest outline of the desktop. So after reading up on the causes of monitor deaths, I concluded that either my monitor's backlight died or a capacitor went bad. Upon inspecting the circuit board, all the capacitors appear fine. So I dug deeper to the actual CCFL lamps. However, when I completely gutted my monitor, I noticed that the top and bottom each have 2 lamps that plug in to two different places on the circuit board. It seems a bit strange that both lamps would go bad at the exact same time (and even flicker together), yet the capacitors are all good as new. Anyone know what's going on here? Should I just buy new lamps and hope for the best?
It's an ASUS VW246H if that makes a difference.
(Yes, I tested different cables, both the DVI and VGA ports, and on another computer, all with the same result)
It's an ASUS VW246H if that makes a difference.
(Yes, I tested different cables, both the DVI and VGA ports, and on another computer, all with the same result)